Integration Tier

The Integration Tier of the IoTeX Project Grants is designed specifically for projects and teams aiming to integrate their existing dApps or tools with the IoTeX ecosystem. Whether you're porting an application from another blockchain or developing a new tool such as a wallet, DeFi platform, or blockchain indexing solution, this tier is tailored to support seamless integration and collaboration. With the Integration Tier, we offer not only funding based on the project's scope, popularity, and potential impact on the IoTeX ecosystem, but also the invaluable technical support of our product and infrastructure teams. Join us in expanding the IoTeX ecosystem and making your mark on the future of decentralized technology.

What we expect
  • Proven expertise and experience: Demonstrate your team's experience in the relevant field, including past projects, GitHub repositories, or other relevant work that showcases your team's capabilities.

  • Existing dApp or tool: Your project should have an existing dApp or tool on another blockchain or in development, which you intend to integrate with the IoTeX ecosystem.

  • Clear integration plan: Provide a well-defined plan outlining the steps for integration, including an estimated timeline and any resources needed.

  • Successful integration: We expect your team to complete the integration of your dApp or tool with the IoTeX ecosystem within the proposed timeline.

  • Active collaboration: Maintain active communication with the IoTeX product and infrastructure teams, ensuring smooth collaboration and addressing any technical challenges that may arise.

  • Community engagement: Engage with the IoTeX community, providing updates on the integration progress, seeking feedback, and addressing any questions or concerns.

Milestone Guidelines

For each milestone, payouts will be issued on a monthly basis for 1 year, meaning that each milestone amount will be divided by 12 (months) and paid monthly if the relevant metric has been met for that month. Since the success of a milestone is assessed by the team monthly, it's important to keep the metrics consistent over time.

  • Number of Milestones: We encourage projects to stick to 3 milestones, unless strictly necessary.

  • Completion Time: Completing a submission should not take much more than 3 months (if you're applying for a larger project, think about splitting it into multiple submissions)

  • Metrics:

    Remember that these metrics are assessed monthly, and should be consistent over time. While these are the ONLY metrics we accept, it is up to you to attach an amount to them that is proportional to the funding you're requesting.

    - TVL (Total Value Locked)

    - Transaction Volume

    - Community Engagement

    Some example metrics might look like this:

    • 1M USD of TVL (Total Transaction Locked) on IoTeX per month

    • More than 20,000 daily blockchain transactions consistently over 1 month

    • Twitter marketing mentioning IoTeX, e.g. minimum 1 Tweet/day over one month, with a minimum number of "n" impressions overall

  • Funds distribution across milestones: 15% - 25% - 60%

Submission Guidelines
  • Project overview: Provide a detailed description of your project, including its background, purpose, and the problem it aims to solve.

  • Nature of your project: It would be good for you and your team to include some of the following info about the nature of your project. Is your project open source? Are you committing to staking a certain amount of IOTX tokens on the IoTeX chain? Are you thinking of donating a percentage of your tokens to the IoTeX Foundation? NOTE that this info is not required, nor will it impact the outcome of your proposal, but it's definitely great to include if it applies to you in any way.

  • Integration plan: Outline the steps your team will take to integrate the dApp or tool with the IoTeX ecosystem, including the estimated timeline and required resources.

  • Team information: Introduce your team members, their roles, and their relevant experience or skills that will contribute to the success of the integration.

  • Funding request: Specify the amount of funding requested, along with a clear breakdown of how the funds will be utilized throughout the integration process.

  • Milestones: Define the key milestones for your project, including expected completion dates and measurable outcomes to gauge progress. Please refer to the Milestone Guidelines section above.

  • Technical documentation: Provide any technical documentation necessary for the IoTeX team to understand the project and its requirements, including architectural diagrams, API specifications, or other relevant technical materials.

  • Budget breakdown: Provide a detailed breakdown of the project budget, specifying how the requested funds will be allocated, and any additional resources required to complete the project.

  • Relevant Links: It's never too much. Feel free to share all relevant links that you think would help reviewers and community members better understand your project.

Last updated


This documentation portal is currently undergoing updates to align with the IoTeX 2.0 Whitepaper release. Information provided here may be incomplete, or out-of-date. Please use this portal for preliminary reference only, and check out the official IoTeX 2.0 Whitepaper for updated information.


2024 | IoTeX