Estimate Gas Price

Before sending a transaction to the blockchain, it's good practice to estimate a gas price that ensures the transaction is mined within a reasonable timeframe, particularly during periods of network congestion. The IoTeX API's suggestGasPrice call provides a basic estimation of this cost. Below is an example of how to use this function:

const Antenna = require("iotex-antenna").default;

// Create an async main function to utilize 'await'
async function main() {
    // Initialize a new Antenna instance
    const antenna = new Antenna("");
    // Call suggestGasPrice to get the gas estimation
    const gasPrice = await antenna.iotx.suggestGasPrice();


Last updated


This documentation portal is currently undergoing updates to align with the IoTeX 2.0 Whitepaper release. Information provided here may be incomplete, or out-of-date. Please use this portal for preliminary reference only, and check out the official IoTeX 2.0 Whitepaper for updated information.


2024 | IoTeX