Web3 Development

Welcome to the Web3 Developer Guide for IoTeX!

The IoTeX Blockchain is fully compatible with the Ethereum RPC API and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This guide is designed to help Web3 developers seamlessly transition to IoTeX development and leverage the powerful features of the IoTeX blockchain.

IoTeX compatibility with the Ethereum RPC API means that you can use familiar tools like Web3.js, Ethers.js, and Hardhat to interact with the IoTeX chain.

By supporting the latest EVM, IoTeX ensures that your Solidity smart contracts will run without modification, enabling you to port existing applications and develop new ones with ease.

IoTeX currently supports the Shangai EVM release and the Solidity compiler 0.8.20

This document will guide you through the necessary steps to get started, including setting up your development environment, deploying smart contracts, and connecting to IoTeX using popular Ethereum tools.

Let's dive in and explore the possibilities of building on IoTeX!

Last updated


This documentation portal is currently undergoing updates to align with the IoTeX 2.0 Whitepaper release. Information provided here may be incomplete, or out-of-date. Please use this portal for preliminary reference only, and check out the official IoTeX 2.0 Whitepaper for updated information.


2024 | IoTeX