Bind the Device NFT

Ensure you have already deployed a Device NFT contract for your DePIN project

↗ Deploy the Device NFT

After registering a DePIN project, the next step is to set the Device NFT contract for that project. This contract must be set before a device attempts to register an ioID for your project.

Using IoTeX CLI (ioctl)


Contract Call

Contarct: ioIDStore

Function Call: setDeviceContract(uint256 _projectId, address _contract) external


let tx = await ioIDStore.setDeviceContract(41, "0x9876543210abcdef9876543210abcdef98765432");

Last updated


This documentation portal is currently undergoing updates to align with the IoTeX 2.0 Whitepaper release. Information provided here may be incomplete, or out-of-date. Please use this portal for preliminary reference only, and check out the official IoTeX 2.0 Whitepaper for updated information.


2024 | IoTeX