
Truffle is a world class development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for blockchains using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), aiming to make life as a developer easier.

This guide describes how to configure Truffle when you want to deploy your smart contracts on the IoTeX Network.

Let's assume that you already created a Truffle project and you want now use the truffle migrate command to deploy it on IoTeX.

We will use for IoTeX Testnet. Check out the RPC Endpoint section for more info.

1. Install the hdwallet-provider package

npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider --save

2. Configure Truffle

You can configure Truffle accounts by using a mnemonic phrase or private keys.

2.1. Using Mnemonic phrase

Modify truffle-config.js as below:

const { MNEMONIC } = process.env;
const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    dev: {
      provider: () =>
        new HDWalletProvider({
          mnemonic: {
            phrase: MNEMONIC,
          providerOrUrl: "",
          shareNonce: true
      network_id: 4690,    // IOTEX mainnet chain id 4689, testnet is 4690
      gas: 8500000,
      gasPrice: 1000000000000,
      skipDryRun: true

and deploy with:

MNEMONIC=`Your mnemonic` truffle migrate --reset --network dev

2.2. Using private keys

Modify truffle-config.js as below:

const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');

const privateKeys = [

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    dev: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(privateKeys, "", 0, 2),
      network_id: 4690,    // IOTEX mainnet chain id 4689, testnet is 4690
      gas: 8500000,
      gasPrice: 1000000000000,
      skipDryRun: true


Finally, deploy your contracts with:

truffle migrate --reset --network dev

Last updated