Web3 Smart Devices

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Web3-oriented IoT devices refer to smart devices that are newly designed or repurposed from legacy ones with decentralized applications in mind.

A Web3-oriented IoT device has the following characteristics:

  • The device is often equipped with a piece of secure hardware for protecting cryptographic keys and executing cryptographic operations;

  • The device contains a screen for showing a blockchain wallet address and other relevant information and buttons for selection and confirmation;

  • The device supports over-the-air firmware updates for changing the device behavior or configurations;

  • A private/public key pair is generated within the device during the manufacturing process and a DID might be derived as well;

  • The device manufacturer needs to pre-register all its devices on the blockchain before shipping them to customers.

Web3-oriented IoT devices are able to connect with W3bstream nodes via the direct mode. Moreover, the device binding can be conducted using the decentralized, challenge-response-based approach. In particular, the Web3-oriented IoT devices can be easily differentiated from software simulators, thereby providing a strong guarantee regarding the data's trustworthiness.

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