IoTeX Analytics API

IoTeX Analytics is a service built upon the IoTeX core API, extracting data from the IoTeX blockchain and indexing it for application use via API calls or a GraphQL web interface.

Get Started

Configure ioctl CLI

Ensure you have the IoTeX ioctl CLI installed and updated to the latest release:

ioctl version
ioctl update

If ioctl is not installed:

Install ioctl:

curl | sh

Create a new account

ioctl account createadd $ACCOUNT_NAME

→ More about ioctl

Obtain an API Key

Access to the analytics API requires an API token, which you can obtain using the ioctl tool. The service is free, and you can generate your API token with the following ioctl command:

ioctl jwt sign --with-arguments '{
  "exp": "1767024000",  
  "sub": "AnalyserAPI",    
  "scope": "Read"           

→ Read more about the ioctl jwt command

After generating the JWT token, you can use it to access the API and perform the necessary operations. Keep the token secure and do not share it with unauthorized users to ensure the security of your API interactions.

Example Queries

Replace YOUR_JWT_TOKEN with your actual JWT token and the address you want to query.

Transaction History By Address

The ActionService.ActionByAddress API endpoint retrieves the history of actions (transactions) associated with a specified IoTeX address. It includes details such as transaction hashes, block numbers, sender and receiver addresses, transaction value, and timestamp.

The first result is the newest one.

export ADDRESS="0x350eDE228A8F9157dC6bDE7C03566cE94C53e6f6"

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $JWT_TOKEN" \
  --data "{
    \"address\": \"$ADDRESS\",
    \"pagination\": {
      \"skip\": 0,
      \"first\": 5

EVM Transactions by Address

The ActionService.EvmTransfersByAddress endpoint retrieves the list of EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) transfers associated with a specified IoTeX address. It includes details such as transaction hashes, block numbers, sender and receiver addresses, transfer value, and timestamp.

The first result is the newest one.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $JWT_TOKEN" \
  --data "{
    \"address\": \"$ADDRESS\",
    \"pagination\": {
      \"skip\": 0,
      \"first\": 1

Included modules


The Chain service provides general information on the current status of the IoTeX blockchain and the IOTX token, like chain height, current epoch, total supply, total votes, etc...

The Delegate service provides detailed data about the IoTeX delegates, block producers, staking deposits, mining rewards, and more.

The Account service provides all the information related to blockchain accounts, from balances to transactions to aliases for known addresses.

The Voting service specializes in delegates ranking and votes.

The Action service allows any query to list transactions filtered by different criteria, like actions by date, address, type, etc...

The XRC20 service gives easy access to XRC20 fungible tokens data (equivalent to the ERC20 standard used on Ethereum), like token holders and contract addresses.

The XRC721 service gives easy access to XRC721 non-fungible tokens data, like token holders and contract addresses.

The Hermes service gives access to rewards distributed by the IoTeX official Hermes system.

Last updated

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