Integrate ioID in your cloud

A "Proxy Contract" Approach

In scenarios where a DePIN project cannot integrate ioID directly into their device’s firmware, this approach enables the project’s cloud to manage ioID registration and message signing on behalf of the devices. In this setup, a “Proxy ioID Contract” serves as an intermediary between the project’s cloud and ioID contracts. The cloud acts as a “trusted entity” within the proxy contract, authorizing on-chain ioID registrations and binding them to the actual device owner.

IoID Web Tools

IoID Web Tools are designed to streamline experimentation and development for integrating IoID into DePIN projects. These tools, currently under development by the IoTeX Foundation, aim to provide a seamless and interactive user experience for creating and managing IoID-based projects.

While this page explains how to register your project in IoID using the ioctl command line, you can achieve the same using the IoID Web Tools where you can list, and manage all your projects interactively, including deploying a default Device NFT contract.

Deploy the ioID Proxy Contract

Deploy using Hardhat

If you haven’t already, clone the ioID-contracts repository:

git clone
cd ioID-contracts && npm install

Export the private key for deploying the ioID Proxy contract.

This account will control your ioID proxy contract, particularly for setting the “Verifier” address. The “Verifier” is typically your service account responsible for managing ioID registrations on behalf of the devices on the cloud side

Ensure you use a dedicated wallet account as the owner of your ioID Proxy contract. Whenever possible, consider using a hardware wallet for enhanced security on mainnet.

export PRIVATE_KEY=0x

Export the ioID Store and Project Registry contract addresses (check the repository on GitHub for updated addresses):

export IOID_STORE=0x60cac5CE11cb2F98bF179BE5fd3D801C3D5DBfF2
export PROJECT_REGISTRY=0x060581AA1A4e0cC92FBd74d251913238De2F13cd 

Deploy your ioID Proxy contract with:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-proxy.ts --network testnet

Deploy using the ioID Web Tools

Developers can also deploy an ioID proxy contract and manage it interactively on the IoTeX Hub:

  • Click the Deploy VerifyingProxy Contract button to deploy a new Proxy contract, or

  • Click the Import VerifyingProxy Address button to import an already deployed Proxy

  • Provice the required information then click Confirm

Interact with the Proxy contract

Here is an example repository that shows how to generate ioIDs for your devices in the cloud and how to register them on-chain through the Proxy contract:

Last updated

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